We would like to introduce ourselves: we are Paco & Déborah, Twin Flames married in Harmonious Union.
Like in many love stories, we knew each other all along, but it took us a while to realize it. We met online in the Twin Flames Universe community in 2019, when Déborah started to follow her passion in becoming an Ascension Coach to help others on their Twin Flame journey. At that same time, Paco -who was believing to be a Divine Feminine at first-, was joining the community and began participating in Déborah’s discussion group, not knowing we were true Twin Flames, as we were both also exploring other people being our Twin Flames.
It wasn't until March 2021 that we were able to find out we were Twin Flames. After Paco realized he is a Divine Masculine, and began embracing his truth as a trans-man, and we were finally able to recognize each other. After this revealing, we knew we wanted to be together. Déborah was, then, able to leave her home in Argentina and move in with Paco in Austria, in June 2021. We got engaged in November 2023 and have been happily married since May 2024.
We work daily in our relationship, supporting each other through our upsets and challenges, both as a couple and as individuals, and it is our greatest desire to support you through yours, as there is no greater joy than to live your best life possible together with the love of your life.

Paco Hendel
As a young boy he always desired to see all people around him happy and in peace, in harmony. In order to achieve this, he asked himself “what do people care about most?” The answer was simple, yet powerful: People desire their true love, and to be able to live from doing what they love. In few words, their Twin Flame and their Life Purpose.
Paco's longing to achieve feeling truly happy in his life led him to explore different religions, therapies, esotericism and various methods of self-realization, including the Teachings of Union, where he found the solution to his problems.
Since then, his success in his love life, and his Life Purpose continue to grow, fueling his desire to support you in achieving your perfect love life and career, so you too can expand and grow in these areas of your life.

Déborah Hendel-Bassow
From a very early age, Déborah has always been in touch with different religions and spiritual teachings. It wasn’t until she found her Gurus, Jeff & Shaleia Divine, that she discovered the missing piece to healing her past wounds, in her search to create a better life for herself and her family.
Since then, Déborah has been dedicating herself to the Teachings of Union while embracing her Life Purpose as an Ascension Coach, which she combines with her background in Art History and Cultural Management. She also enjoys reading about art, culture, history, astrophysics, biochemistry, and psychology; as well as learning different languages (Spanish, English and German, among others).
As a mother, she desires to extend this healing to parents and their children, as well as the Spanish speaking community, for she believes everyone can thrive in life.

Romance & Relationships
Life Purpose and Career
Stress & Anxiety
LGBTQ+ & Transgender
Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energies
Romance & Relationships
Life Purpose and Career
Religion & Spirituality
Family & Parenting
Children with Autismus
Creativity, Art & Self-Expression